Saturday, May 31, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a virtue. Have you ever heard this saying? Have you ever thought that you wish you had this virtue? Bet you didn't know that it is one of the eight fruits of the Spirit. Here are the nine in order from Galatians 5:22. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

These are all the things that we get when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. So are all of you Christians filled with patience? I know I'm not. So what's the deal? Does this mean that the Holy Spirit is not working in me? Does it mean that I am not a Christian?

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, there is sin in the world, therefore because we are part of the world, you know "dust you are and to dust you shall return", we also have sin in us. If we were not sinners we would be perfect. We would have perfect love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Since we are sinful human beings in sinful bodies we do not have those things perfectly but imperfectly.

So why do some seem to have greater fruits of the Spirit than others? Well, this can be answered in two ways. The first is that God gives these gifts in different ways to different people. One person might have more patience than another, while one might be gentler than another. One might live a purer life as in staying away from sin more, while another may have a very peaceful demeanor about him. We all have different gifts but the same Spirit gives them to all who believe in him.

Secondly, some people have experienced God's grace a whole lot more than others through hearing, reading, and studying his Word and receiving His forgiveness through the Word and the Sacraments. Because they have experienced God more they have also received more of certain kinds of gifts. For instance, a person has sinned greatly and hurt quite a few people along the way. After realizing his sin and the hurt he has caused he begins to feel greatly troubled in his heart and is unable to reconcile himself. He has caused much pain and grief and his pain and grief has been heaped back upon him tenfold by many who want nothing more than to hurt him back. In the meantime, one person that he hurt most deeply comes to him and tells him that he forgives him. At that moment peace comes upon him as he realizes and receives the forgiveness he so desperately needs. Having the true and real peace that he has, he is able to convey that peace to others in such a way that peace is clearly seen in him.

Also, think about the times when you have felt the closest relationship with God. I would imagine that these close times involve you being in God's Word in devotion and Bible study and in a close relationship with other Christians through a church or some other organization. I liken it to a marriage or even a parent-child relationship. Some have said that they felt that close relationship through experiences in nature where they can see God's handiwork in action. The point is that the more you are involved in and with the life of the other person and the more time you spend with a person the closer your relationship will be. Same is true with God. The more you are interested in Him and show it by listening to him, learning his will, and living a life connected to him, the closer your relationship with him will be.

God gives you the tools. He gives you His living and active Word, His personal letter to you by which he gives you the knowledge of his perfect will and shares his real and true love with you. He gives you the washing of water and the Word in baptism by which you are made His child. He gives you His true body and blood to connect with Him in a real physical and Spiritual way. He gives you other Christians with whom you can share His love and forgiveness and from whom you can learn the fruits of the Spirit.

One of the greatest gifts God gave me was my wife. I have learned so much from her, especially when it comes to the fruits of the Spirit. She is so giving, so kind, so faithful, so loving that one can't help but see the fruits of the Spirit in action. Every day I am amazed at the Holy Spirit working in and through Karin in so many aspects of her life. Her seemingly tireless attitude when it comes to work in the church is second to none. And she loves doing it because of her love for the Lord.

The best thing about the fruits of the Spirit is that you don't have to work to get them, that is unless you call being involved in church, reading your Bible, and being in fellowship with other Christians work. It really all comes naturally. I have often told people that I don't consider my job as a pastor work. Sure, there are times when I would rather be working on a farm field plowing up dirt, on a lake fishing, or on a golf course hitting the tee shot into the woods, but I can honestly say that there is nothing more satisfying than sharing the Gospel with people and having them share it with you. I encourage you today to look into how you can increase the fruits of the Spirit in your lives and in the lives of your family and friends. Peace to you always.

Rev. Jeremy Klaustermeir

To God All Praise and Glory!