Last week we had yet another scandal break about a politician. Needless to say I was sad to hear about it, and even sadder that it would effect so many other people. At the same time, do we think we should expect anything more? He is just as sinful as the rest of us are. He may have certain characteristics that make him elect able and make him a good governor, but that doesn't make him perfect does it?
Back in November we had an election and Barack Obama was elected president. I'm sure he will be a good president. He did a good job campaigning and getting people to vote for him. Still, do people really expect him to fix all of the ills of the world? Isn't he just a man, like you and me? Does he not still have sinfulness in him? When he fails the first time are people going to disown him, and call for his impeachment? Do people really expect him to be the Savior of the world? Can you imagine the pressure he is under to perform? How will he ever live up to expectations?
How about you? What do people expect of you? Does everyone expect great things of you? Do people expect you to be the perfect father, mother, worker, boss, leader, etc.? I know how you feel. As a pastor a lot is often expected of me and when, not if but when, I fail, I ultimately disappoint, discourage, and even anger people along the way.
Spouses do this with each other. We all have expectations of what our perfect spouse should be like, and for a while they might live up to the expectations, but eventually failure will happen. The sad thing is that there are such high expectations and such a lack of forgiveness that this failure often results in broken relationships.
The truth is that we all do it. We all have high expectations of each other. At the same time, people also have such high expectations of us. We are all always letting each other down.
The remedy? Stop taking ourselves and each other too seriously. Stop thinking that another sinful person can fulfill the impossible standards you have set for him or her. Stop hating yourself for not living up to everyone's expectations of you.
Especially with it being just a week before Christmas and everyone just wanting all of their expectations met; do not be disappointed if you don't get the perfect gift from your spouse. Don't be disheartened when your kids don't appreciate every little thing you got them. Don't get discouraged when the cookies don't turn out the way they should. Don't get upset when the family shows up an hour late. Don't freak out when it is just a week before Christmas and you still haven't started your cards yet.
Instead, enjoy the time you have with your friends and family as a time that is from God to you. Enjoy it as a reminder that the perfection has already come in God's own Son, Jesus. Realize that it is in him and through him that we will become perfect in paradise. Have peace in this hectic, fast paced time in the knowledge that one day all of this will go away and a new heaven and a new earth will come forth, will arise and it will be perfect.
Rev. Jeremy Klaustermeier
To God All Praise and Glory!